Well, here goes.
I'm using this space as something to aid in my progress playing poker. The goal of this site is to help me sort my thoughts on various games, hands and sessions.
I have been playing poker now for over 2 years and my game is running well at this time. I currently play underground games around the GTA and will be playing a few days a week down at the CNE over the next month.
Once the CNE is done, I will be playing those same few days a week at either Port Perry or Brantford.
My focus is limit cash games -- holdem, stud and omaha.
The limits I currently play are 4 8 to 10 20. I am a winning player at those limits, earning 2-3BB/h on a consistant basis. My goal is to be playing 20 40 and higher as a winning player within the next 6 months to 1 year.
Within 2 years, I am hoping to have the option of playing poker for a living. I currently make a 6-figure salary and would only consider playing professionaly if I could at least match my current income playing cash games.
Had a decent session Wednesday night playing a rotation of stud8/omaha8 4 8/with 1/2kill at an underground club in the west end, earning 4BB/h.