I just got back from a brief trip to Calgary and had the chance to play a couple of sessions at the new Stampede Casino Poker Room. Overall, it's a pretty decent room. On a Tuesday night starting at 10pm I payed a short 3-4 hour session. The only games going were 1 2 NL, 300max -- not bad for a casino 1 2 game. Not too tight at all and a few horrid players thrown in -- good times. Wednesday I played from 1pm-11pm and the day games were much tighter, but we managed to get a 2 5 NL going and had some good action at the table by 6pm or so. It's so sweet being able to play casino poker at any time only 10 minutes from my house in Calgary...and Calgary seems to be the PLO capital of North America -- 5 10 PLO going on weekday afternoons? Sweet. I can't wait to live there full-time and play live poker on a regular basis. The Stampede needs to get some sort of comps program for their poker players, but otherwise it was a pretty decent room with the exception of one horrid dealer who they seemed to be training during the game.