Played a couple of low buyin tournies over the weekend. First one was a $65 buy-in with $5 being a bounty. Run by Westside poker club, well run and good structure. I think I finished 9th. We were down to 5 handed at my table and I had around 2-3k left with the BB around 1/4 my stack. UTG aggressive player raises, I find AJo in the BB and go all in. I want a coinflip to gain some chips, he turns over 66 and I don't improve, out 9th/24 or so.
Last night played a $60 buy-in with around 27 players. Down to 7 handed and I'm short, have 3k with blinds 400 800, pick up AKo on the button. Clueless player limps in EP, huge stack calls in EP, folded to me and I go all in for another 2k or so. I want the clueless player to call. I know he either has a weak ace or any random facecard with no kicker. Him calling is for 2k more is about 1/3 of his stack. He thinks a while and calls...turns over K6s...GREAT! Flops a 6, I don't hit an ace and I'm out. Oh well.
My problem with these tournies is I run into the dilemma of trying not to make moves early as I know that a guy with J5o on a flop of J82 will never let go of top pair as he has no clue what he's doing. I play with the goal of simply hitting a hand and doubling up against a clueless player. But no cards in either game left me wondering if I should have taken a different approach. Either way, I win either all-in and I have a decent stack to play with for a few more rounds.
I'd say I played well, but probably could have run over some of the weaker players as the blinds got up a bit..waited too long to make a hand.
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