Hi/lo night at the office. Somehow they just manage to keep drawing in worse and worse players. I've not played much live poker as of late, but every Wednesday is a must. I took a couple of months off from this game due to it getting tougher, ending earlier, etc. Then I stop by amonth ago and post a nice win, and the player pool keeps getting better. Amazing.
The game is 4 8 with a 6 12 kill.
The game is a rotation of Stud 8 with a spit and Omaha 8.
The game has forced betting in each round.
The game is the definition of fish in a barrel.
The game, I wish it were 15 30.
This doesn't mean that every session is a winning one, but most are.
Last 4 weeks ; +$475, -$370, +$300, +$300. All sessions roughly 6-7 hours except for a marathon trying-to-get-even--when-down-$400-3-handed-against-two-donks session that didn't get me anywhere but stuck the same amount. I would play this game 5 nights a week if it ran. I'd make a grand a week playing this game, it's so sweet. Although, the players would die out faster so I should be happy with it for what it is.
There's no question that stud8/O8 and limit holdem are my best games. There is reportedly a 15 30 stud8/O8 that runs every Tuesday at another club a few more winning sessions and I might take a shot.
As for online, just playing a bit here and there. My Party account is still on hold and that's my main plan for a cash game site, so things are on delay. I found some some 5 10 and 10 20 games on Pacific that I've been playing here and there. I played a few MTTs for fun on Stars a week or 2 ago and monied a few times, often just a beat away from a top 5 chance, but nothing big of which to speak.
A friend of mine has qualified for both the PPM and the European World Series on Party, pretty sweet.
So, my goal now is basically to keep it fun, play every Wednesday for some profit, play a few small <$100 buy-in tournies here and there for a decent overlay and find some decent 10 20 LHE games around my area (which isn't easy). Also, get my Party account up and running for some multitabling 5 10 and 10 20 cash games.
An interesting team event is coming up on Saturday, the Royal Cup. Basically, a small buy-in team points event over the course of an entire 12h day. Should be fun if not very profitable (if team Toronto wins I'll get something like $200 or so). I'll be playing a PLO tourny, a LHE tourny, a NLHE tourny and a HU elimination tourny all in a day...wow.
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