Wednesday night came again and I played the world's most beatable game again. I had a terrible session. The table was softer than it has been in a month or so and if the chips weren't flowing to me they were going to the second best spots -- to the worst players on the table. Unfortunately all I could muster was a break-even night after 11 hours of play. I couldn't hit a hand to save my life.
The most frustrating part of the session is that I fell back into an old pattern of staying too long to try and post a win -- instead of leaving at 3-4am as I had planned, I stayed until 9am. I was exhausted, got caught in the AM rush-hour traffic and was too tired once home to walk my dog. I hate when I do things like that, I need to be more regimented in my session times. I did get to +$100 after hours of struggling down $100-$200, but ended just about exactly even.
The most rewarding part of this session is the realisation that an awful card-dead session can be a break-even session for me whereas it would be a -$500+ session for almost every other player in that game. This is what makes me a long-term winner. Anyone can win a huge pot with a huge hand, but most give it back fairly quickly.

Just home from my second 20 40 session at the GBH. I was planning on going at 7pm or so, but my sleep cycle is all fucked-up due to working nights and not adjusting back to days well due to idotic things like playing an 11 hour session Wednesday night. Last night I drank a bottle of wine in an attempt at getting to bed at 3am having just woken up at 5pm. Well, it worked, but I awoke at 730am no longer able to sleep and felt tired all day. When 7pm came I knew that I had that tired anxious feel that makes me lose at poker, so I had an hour and a half nap. Then at 1025pm I finally left my house for GBH feeling in the right mindset to play but not really up for a long session.
50 minutes to GBH and I see on the screen that there is an interest list for 20 40 Omaha8??!! Ok, I say sign me up for 10 20, 20 40 and 20 40 O8. Then I ask the floor guy if the Omaha ever goes and he says no, they don't have omaha dealers...uh, ok. Scrap that plan. I get a 10 20 seat right away. I'm hungry, so I decide to wait and post at my BB which is 6-7 hands away and try to get some food.. Fortunate for me as I am called to the 20 40 after 2 hands...still foodless.
Physically, I get a great seat (I hate the end seats with a passion) right in seat 6 and we are 11 handed. Position-wise the seat proves to be good as well...1 of the 2 main donators is 2 seats to my right. Good table, not a great table, 2-3 live ones max and the rest TAG to TWeak players. Certainly a workable table and I had reads on everyone after 1 or 2 passes of the button. At my peak I'm up $650. I only play 3.5 hours and leave at 3am up $600. I'm happy booking a win, only 15bb but $600 is still nice. I'm not at all nervous or apprehensive at the table and after showing down some big hands I'm getting respect all over the place. It's the kind of poker game you read about but never experience at most lower levels. 3-4 players per most flops, a few 7 handed flops, one 11 handed flops, UTG raises being folded to the blinds at times. The ability to make isolation plays, to make a few moves out of the blinds against the overly tight players, to raise for the button preflop from the cutoff, etc. A fun game for sure. I'm still getting used to winning a small pot and making $100-$200 and a decent pot making $400-$500. Pretty neat feeling though.
I'll post a few 20 40 hands tomorrow, now time for bed.
So far, 2 fairly short 20 40 sessions and +$1300-$1400, a good start.
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