Ok, so second things first -- the CNE poker room has the softest 10 20 games I have ever seen, ever. Well...ever. Incredible. I love some of the undergrounds, but I pray to the heavens that downtown Toronto opens a permanent legal casino today. The 10 20, especially late at night, is likely a more profitable game than your average 20 40 game at GBH or Brantford. All I can say is capped 11 ways preflop...um...excuse me a second....
...sorry, had to wipe the drool of of my chin...
Some players simply cannot adjust to a wild, loose game. They only know how to play ABC poker, wait for aces, cuz hey it's capped, right? And lose a shitload of money with their big overpairs due to terrible post flop play. In all honesty, in these games I am praying for various suited connectors every hand and am looking for reasons to dump big pairs post flop against the right players.
I have to stop looking at the title of this entry, the Pavlovian drooling keeps getting triggered. Also, change of plans, no casino 20 40 until the CNE closes, so that will be early Sept until I play 20 40 again, this is just toooooooo soft.
Onto table image. Check this out. I go to the CNE today at around 2pm, wait 20-30 mins and a new 10 20 table opens. I sit with $800, BY FAR the largest stack at the table. Ok, listen, if you are sitting at 10 20 with $200-$300 I'm going to run you the fuck over, so please, please, please tell me you are going to rebuy. Anyhow, I sit and play a round and notice that these players are TIGHT. In addition, most of these tight players are sitting with stacks of $400 or less. What does stack size have to do with play in a limit game you ask? Well, it's a huge tell. If you have only played one hand in the first round, folded it on the flop and are sitting with $300 infront of you, you are begging to get run over. So...here comes the ride.
All the tables are now full, and I figure these guys are now stuck with me for 6 hours. People can tell you, that's not always a fun time. Time to loosen up the table a bit. 11 handed, limped to me and I raise with T3 suited. 5 callers. Ok, I've resigned to likely not winning the hand, but I'm going to see what kind of heat these guys can take, and I'm showing this hand down with any piece, period. Flop J73 rainbow. Blinds check, I bet and 4 callers. Turn J873, checked to me and I bet, 3 callers. River J8733...hehehe, get ready to pay me off for the next 3 hours you bastards. Checked to me, I bet and get 2 callers. Watch them turn over and then table my trip 3s. I'm in seat 5, asian guys in seats 7-10 berate me for...and I'm not kidding, 2-3 hours. One of them actually leaves the table when I win a few more pots. I hear him at his new table saying, "raised ten three", ahhhhhhh hahahaha...um...fuck you. While I'm stacking the chips on the T3 hand, I literally have to stifle a burst of laughter. The table was playing so tight for a while that I was raising anything even remotely playable with one or no callers infront of me from any position. JTo UTG? Raise. 87s in MP? Raise. After an hour or so and getting up a few hundred dollars, I settled back and played a tight game, getting paid off to the river whenever I hit anything as mediocre as top pair average kicker. Had a nice, profitable 5 hour session. Maybe it's just me, but a close second to a nice winning session is pissing off a tight ABC player who cannot shift gears or adjust his game worth a shit.
Good times. I'm evil. Blob out.
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