4 8 with 6 12 kill LHE tonight. Lost 30BB and quit. Big hand of the night in a kill round LP with black KKs. Capped 5 ways preflop...AK8 with 2 hearts. By the turn its 3 handed with a fishy player who would cap a flush draw and who would raise in EP with a variety of hands. Turn AK88. Gets capped heads up. River completes the flush, I bet out and get raised...I call knowing he has AA.
That's poker, I wouldn't play it any differently, tough hand.
After that I flop trip 9s from EP with a QT9 rainbow flop, bet into by ultratight player in SB. I just call with 3 players behind me hoping to fill and win a big one...I can't rule out a flopped straight by the tightest player at the table. When he bets out again on the turn QT96 I just call again. River QT967 and I lose to Q8. TOugh hand. Maybe if I raise the flop and bet the turn I win it, hard to say.
One other hand of note. Posting a $6 kill I get in for free with Q8o...flop the straight on a KJT rainbow board...5 handed or so. I decide to play it slow from EP and noone bets the flop. Turn brings KJT9 with 2 clubs, I bet get a call and a raise and I call thinking that I just lost 1/2 the pot and the raiser is now freerolling for the flush. Turn brings the flush and I lose the whole pot, not to the raiser but to 56s from the caller. The reason I slowplayed had to do with a hand last night where I flopped KJTs with AQo with A of the suit, bet the flop and all folded (5players).
I was down tonight and wanted to win a big one, instead may have cost myself 2 pots.
I wouldn't play the KK hand differently, but I know not to slowplay in this game as you get callers regardless.
One last bad hand. SB I limp into a 6 handed pot with 98o. Flop A65 with a flush draw. I don't draw to a gutshot with a flush draw on board as I only have 2 live outs and can get redrawn if I hit the turn. But.....I decide to bet the flop, all 5 call. Turn A652, no flush. I check, SB bets and 4 callers, I think I am 20:1 so I fold, but actually had the right odds to call with the implied odds and the fact that my hand was well concealed and the bettor was on my immediate left. I fold and hit my 2 outer. SB bets and all call. 84 takes it on the A5672 board.
Well, crappy session. Played 3-4 hands wrong and lost a big pot that I played right.
5 hours, -30BB, -6BB/h.
My first 30BB losing session in almost 4 months, 30BB is generally my cutoff unless there is an especially good game.