Last night played 3 6 w/ 5 10 true kill, so basically 3 6. The night started short handed 5-7 players for the first few hours which made for a lively game. The only thing I find tolerable about limit holdem at low limits is playing a short table. A full table is just tooooo boring.
Player in seat 1 was one of the most horrendous players I've ever played with. Would call to the river with Q7o on a flop of AK6, just amazing. He did flop many hands early, hitting 4 sets and flopping 3 straights. Of course, he left with no money. He paid me off well twice..my AKs vs his KQo. Flop K8x 2 suites (not my suit). Flop is capped between us after 5 saw the flop. Turn is an 8 -- could be a scare card with this player but, but he wouldn't cap an 8...he would bet it and call a raise, but not cap. He bets, I raise, he calls. River completes the flush..he checks, I bet, he calls. I win a big pot. Later on i flop a set against the same player who bets and raises all the way with top pair medium kicker.
So, I'm up almost $200 after 2 hours and then the table fills to 11 handed....yawn. I SHOULD HAVE JUST GOTTEN UP AND LEFT as I didn't feel like playing 11 handed, it's just too boring to sit and wait for cards in showdown poker.
I stayed, lost back alot, mostly on one hand that I though I played very well. Limp UTG +1 with black 10s. 4 or 5 to the flop. Flop is 997 with 2 spades. SB bets, 2 callers and I raise to see where I'm at. Player behind me folds, all limpers call. Now I know I'm leading given who was in the hand and that there was no reraise. Turn completes the flush with an undercard, checked to me I bet and get only the sb as a caller. river 7...997x7, not a spade which I know would have helped me. SB bets out. He is not tricky enough to check a 9 on the turn so he has a 7 and somehow stayed all the way. I call because the pot is big. He shows 73 or some such crap. I say nice hand. This is one of the many players that any decent player wins lots of money from in these small games, but this is the hand that keeps him playing...oh well.
A bigger game and I'd have left once I was up 30BB, but I don't take the 3 6 game too seriously wrt wins and losses.
Not a great session, didn't make too many errors with my play, but my leak of staying too long in a game I'm not in the mood for was evident...should have left earlier.
6h of play +1.5BB/h.
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