Didn't make it to the ex. Went to play some loose 3 6 at the West end club. Started off playing extremely loose for fun and was down 150 or so, then decided to play my regular game. Played an aggressive game, limping in with hands like Kxs in late position with 5-7 callers. MISSED EVERY DRAW ALL NIGHT -- built huge 5 way pots with the nut draw on more than 4 occasions only to lose to crap like K4o making 2 pair on the river, calling 3 bets cold on various streets with K hi or top pair no kicker. Played these hands perfectly, but missed every draw all night.
At my lowest down $450 in a 3 6/ 5 10 kill game!
Somehow had a $500 swing and was up $150 at some point late and ended up ahead a small amount by the time I left -- lets call it even.
To exemplify my night -- last hand of the night we are 5 handed UTG raise, cannon reraise, ends up 4 handed capped -- I have ATs. Flop 56T rainbow, capped on the flop -- both players at this point playing very looose as this is the last hand of the night and I know I'm ahead. Turn J, UTG is all in at some point on the turn, river is checked and I'm shown AJ and 66.
Still not sure how I broke even, played solid poker when I was down and the weak players stopped catching their miracle draws -- all the weak players busted out as usual.
Played a solid game except for the screwing around at the start -- I do this when I play very low limits once in a while just to test the waters.
+0.5BB/h, not accounting for the true kill.
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