$38 6 handed -- still 4 handed at 40 minutes, weak table but I'm playing too passive. I have 1600 in BB as do th 2 players to my left, chup leader on my right with 5k or so. Everyone's limping all the time. I'm kind of tired and blinds are 50 100. My BB and SB is weeeeeak. I start playing impatient and get dealt 85s in my BB. limped to me so I push all in, sb calls with KTs and I'm out, not really my game to push so hard for a $200 pot. Should have raised to 300 and bet 500 at the flop or so if checked to me. Played impatient, bad play. Fourth, -$38.
May play some HU MTTs tonight, not in the mood for sngs at the moment.
$22 64 played Stud HU MTT -- never played much stud heads up, fun game, made the second round and then the guy I was playing caught every card in the deck, very frustrating. 2nd round, -$22.
$20 HU O8 limit on Absolute, opponent hit 1 outer quads twice against my nut full house, lost -$10.
$38 6 handed, playing too loose early against several calling stations, so I'm short at 950, still lots of play. Calling station 2 to my right raises minimum to 60 and I have QQ in my BB. Gonna slow play and hopefully double up...flop KQJ, check check. Turn 5 hearts for a 4 flush, I overbet the pot and he calls, We end up all in on the river and he turns over AT for flopped nuts. Can't ever get away from that hand vs that player. 5th, $-38.
HU NLHE $21 Absolute. Opponent hit by the deck. I would have T9 he would have QT on a board of AAT23, etc, etc......bleh. Lost, $-21.
B&M O8/Stud8 MTD = 0
B&M Tournies MTD = $-180CDN
B&M NLHE Cash MTD = +$0
Online O8shMTD = -$65US
Online LHEshMTD = +$183US
Online MTT MTD = -$124US
Online Satellites = $-10, no seats
Online PLO8 SNGs MTD = +$219US
Online Stud8 SNGs MTD = 0
Online HU NLHE SNGs MTD = +$17US
Online HU O8 SNGs MTD = -$1US
Online 9 handed NLHE Multitable SNGS MTD = +$18US
Online 9 handed NLHE SNGS MTD = $-27US
Online 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD = -$56US
All time 6 handed NLH In-The-Money Streak = 3
All time 6 handed NLH No-Cash Streak = 2 (active)
All time HU NLH Winning Streak = 2
Online MTD = +$154US ~~~~ Live MTD = -$180CDN
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