$38 6 handed NL on Stars, placed 3rd. Got an early lead and played a bit too tight, ended up 3 handed 40 minutes in and had about 1800 agaist 2 big stacks. Each player ended up having a monster every other hand. I guess I played too tight hoping for them to move on each other as I had nothing to play with and it almost worked, then one caught a river flush and back to the same thing. Moved all in with A3o with blinds 100 200 and only 690 left, called in 2 places and lost to AK. Third, -$38.
Another one, same game. Got to heads up within 20mins, pretty uneventful. Me 2.5k, him 6.5k, lots of play left. He's a bit of a maniac getting lucky from behind all in to eliminated people, was overvalues draws and top pair. I double through JTo on a 298 flop I bet min 100, he raises to 300, turn 2789 rainbow for the stone cold nuts, check, he bets 1100 I go all in and double up, we are virtually even. A few hands later T8o call a small raise flop JT8, praying for an overpair, check and he bets 1000 I push all in and he shows KQo, sweet....turns an A and no help on the river...second. I'd play it all the same again, was ahead against a maniac and set a decent trap, that's how you beat a maniac...most times. Second, +$35.
For fun, $5.50 quadruple shootout, starts 3 handed, opponent hit by the deck KK AA etc, come in second pushing K hi vs AA when short, -$5.50.
Felt like some variety so played a $35 turbo PL Omaha8. Not much to say, lots of luck involved as you get 4-5 handed with the blinds up and its steal, steal, steal and hope your hand holds when you get called. First, +$109.
Absolute Poker, heads up NLH sng. Playing an idiot who spikes a gutshot for 2 pot sized bets on the river, so I'm down early 2350 to 650...still on the first level. Comeback and win it winning small pots, then limping and reraising with AKs vs his A6o. Final hand is the Brunson, T2o on a flop on JT2, screw it I'm pushing because this guy will call with any piece, calls with J3o and I take it down. I like the structure on the heads-up games on Absolute, you get alot of play but it's not as tedious as the Stars HU Sngs. First, +$19.
Ok, lets add a Heads-Up Winning Streak Stat (excluding MTTs).
B&M O8/Stud8 MTD = 0
B&M Tournies MTD = $-180CDN
B&M NLHE Cash MTD = +$0
Online O8shMTD = -$65US
Online LHEshMTD = +$183US
Online MTT MTD = -$102US
Online Satellites = $-10, no seats
Online PLO8 SNGs MTD = +$219US
Online Stud8 SNGs MTD = 0
Online HU NLHE SNGs MTD = +$38US
Online HU O8 SNGs MTD = +$9US
Online 9 handed NLHE Multitable SNGS MTD = +$18US
Online 9 handed NLHE SNGS MTD = $-27US
Online 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD = -$15US
All time 6 handed NLH In-The-Money Streak = 2 (active)
All time 6 handed NLH No-Cash Streak = 1
All time HU NLH Winning Streak = 2 (active)
Online MTD = +$248US ~~~~ Live MTD = -$180CDN
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