Thursday, June 15, 2006

Brief Update...

Another hi/lo Wed night, another $300.

I couldn't get much of anything going and was down $200 after 4 hours or so. The table got short and we switched to straight omaha8. I opened the game up quite a bit with straddles, blind raises, etc. There were a few hands that were re-straddled all the way to the small blind 7 handed. Anyhow, by 9am I was up $300. I love the Wed night game.

Haven't played at all online since my terrible run to even, just not in the mood.

So, +$1135 live and even online for the month...have to work this coming Wed, but hoping to get in some holdem sessions.

Missed the monthly 10 20 at The Office, heard it was a great game.

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