I didn't play all that much in May, won around $2.5k so it was a good month profit-wise. I seem to be beating every game that I play these days. I can pretty much guarantee booking a $2k-$3k win every month these days combining live and online play.
So far this month:
I'm up $750 or so online having played 18 sngs -- I was getting tired of the Party 6 max sngs, needed some variety so I tried out the Stars 9max Turbos...just started playing low limit $27 ones to see how they are and after 10 games my ROI is a whopping 116%, likely not sustainable but certainly a profitable game none the less. Played one $110 6 max turbo on there and placed first as well. Played a $6 turbo 99max on Party for a fun diversion and finished first. I'll move up to the $55 turbos on Stars after a larger sample size at $27. The beauty of these turbos is the ease of multitabling, the play is pretty straightforward in these -- so far I've just been 2-tabling as I've been playing exclusively on my laptop and can't play 3 tables well due to overlap.
I'm up $200 having played only one live session of the Wed night hi/lo, the most beatable game on earth -- there is no way that I can't beat (and I have been beating) this game for a conservative average of $200/session, so that would be $800 a month or so. I've had 2 losing sessions there in 3 months. I wish this were a higher limit game, but it's my favourtie live game, so I doubt I'll stop playing it anytime soon.
So, $2k-$3k a month seems a reasonable average playing at my current limits, depending on my playing time. This, of course, barring a losing session or two whilst taking a shot at higher limits.
My goal is to maintain this for a couple of months and to eventually get this figure up to $4k-$5k a month .
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