Tried this again, 3rd and 2nd, -$3 overall...I really had no hands in either game, but once HU I made another big mistake after chipping back up to even. I am playing too impatiently HU right now, have to remember to keep the pots small against weaker players.
An hour of 3 6sh on SunPoker, was up $100 and ended up $50. I'm going to play a bit more 3 6 before moving to 5 10. Another hour-long session, +$51. THen a losing 45mins session, -$53. Just getting comfotable with 6max cash again.
Another 2 table sng session -- out early in the first one, 30mins in or so when I have 950 left in the BB and the chip leader with 4k, a total fish getting lucky from behind constantly, raises into me, I reraise all in and he turns up AQ vs myAK and hits again. In the other one I get second when a total fish keeps calling all ins for all his chips on the turn with flush draws and keeps hitting...jesus, not my day for these.
About 45mins into the tournament I had 6k, he had 2.5k, short had 800 or so. I'm in BB. Fish limps, sb raises to 150, I push all in and he calls with 77, sb had QTs, by the river I'm in 3rd, flush takes it and fish flopped a set.
The second place finish was the longest 6handed sng I've ever played, taking almost 1.5h. The guy was just such a weak HU player, I kept min betting every flop and he would fold fold fold, I was easily chipping away at him until I have KJ on a KQT 2 spade flop, I bet pot he calls with A7 hearts, turn makes it KKQT with 2 spades and 2 hearts, I push for all his chips he has 2k left in a 1.6k pot and he calls! And he hits again! Christ. 1.5h, -$3.
So that's 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2nd 2nd so far 2-tabling, a bit behind my usual 1 table results, but I had some bad beats that kept me from first and out of the money a couple times. ITM 4/6 times, ok but not great.
Played 5.5h today.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~B&M O8/Stud8 MTD = , YTD =B&M LHE Cash MTD =, YTD =Online LHEsh MTD =+$99, YTD =
Online 9 handed NLHE SNGS MTD =, YTD =
Online 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD = +$70US, YTD =
2Tabling 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD =-$6US, YTD =
Rakeback =
Bonus =
Online MTD = +$163US ~~~~ YTD =
Live MTD = ~~~~ YTD =