Not much of a day, basically didn't hit a hand in 2 hours playing 3 6 and lost $140 or so. Same thing at Party 5 10. Then I decided to check out the 10 20 6max, just curious if the players are any better as you move up on Party. The table was extremely passive and there was one player who was the worst literally the worst player I've ever seen anywhere, at any limit, anytime. He played EVERY hand, never raised preflop and called to the river with any piece or any piece of a draw, or ten high:). Unfortunately I only caught one hand against him, but he went through $1000 in an hour on autocall. The table quickly broke after he left. I hit 2 hands early and was up $200 in 10 mins. Then a series of unsuited hands not exceeding 6hi and the blinds ground me down to +$40, won a pot against the worst player on earth, got up $150 in an hour and then it broke. As far as I can tell from that table, the play isn't any better than at 5 10. Been running cold for 2 days, down $100 or so today, but happy with trying the 10 20 game. I am considering some full table 10 20 or 15 30 at Party. If they are populated with these same players the decreased variance could make them more of a consistant profit.
An experiment in maniacal play. I wanted to see how players would adjust to me raising every hand at 5 10, well it turns out that they just play the same as always, noone has the guts to reraise, etc...but they just call down with anything. I lost 50bb trying this out, but it was something I needed to do to tweak my sh game. Up to 10 20 from now on and see how it goes.
Played an hour on 10 20 sh on sunpoker, won my biggest pot online ever $467 -- maniac to my R raises, I reraise JJ, tight SB player caps -- ok he has AK AA or KK, BB calls the cap cold. Flop J45 with 2 clubs, fireworks ensue and my hand holds. Button had AA, BB had 99 and called bets and raises all the way on a J45T7 board. OK, so there are fish at every limit online, sweet.
+$222 for the hour, I think I'm ready for this now. Can have some huge swings in these games, but have to see how it goes. So far this month I'm up $375 playing 10 20 and now back to even overall. If it turns out that I can't beat the 10 20 game I'm going to switch back to live poker. If I'm not beating 10 20 online then I need to find something else because lower limits have become too much of a grind. My goal is to be making $40-50/h or so playing online by the summer, so have to see how it goes. I think these 1020s are beatable for 2-4bb/h if I play focused. I'm going to stick to SunPoker for now and see if I can play with the same players on a smaller site to gain a further edge. Rakeback is nice as well.
Surprisingly I find that sitting back and waiting for a hand against the ever present maniac in shorthanded mid-limit games works quite well. There's a fine line between good aggressive play and raising 95o UTG and betting through regardless of the players in the hand. Some players, it seems, just can't shut off the run-over-the-table attitude on any given hand. Sometimes it's best to counter aggression with tight play.
B&M O8/Stud8 MTD = , YTD =
B&M LHE Cash MTD =, YTD =
Online LHEsh MTD =-$468, YTD =
Online 9 handed NLHE SNGS MTD =, YTD =
Online 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD = +$32US, YTD =
2Tabling 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD =+$52US, YTD =
Rakeback = $13US
Bonus = $80US
Online MTD = -$291US ~~~~ YTD =
Live MTD = ~~~~ YTD =
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