This morning decided to drop to the $20s and try 3 tabling. Played 2 stud8 and a PLO8. WOn the PLO8 in 20-30mins, won the first stud 8 in 50mins, won the 3rd in 1h20mins (opponent left when I was ahead). I don't think there is any way I can play more than 3 tables HU, 3 was nerve wracking. Since the action is always on you, you are constantly being prompted and have to click the buttons multiple times for it to register. 2 isn't bad at all. Having a PL game in there makes it a bit more complicated. Going 3 for 3 isn't a bad feeling though. +$57.
Right now, just trying new things until I get my Party account. I also find that mixing up my games makes me play better than grinding at one game. Haven't put in too many hours this month, but am happy with my new findings, mostly multitabling. Trying all these new things I'm even for the month, which isn't bad for experimenting.
Played a limit O8 MTT on Stars. I really don't like limit much, the rebuys are OK because you get 5k in chips with the rebuy and addon, but really these are kinda card-catching contests with only 1500 chips to move around.
Had maybe 4 playable hands all game, finished 34/216...no money.
B&M O8/Stud8 MTD , YTD
Online HU MTT (all games) MTD -$33, YTD
Online HU Matches (all games) MTD -$4, YTD
Online MTTs MTD -$49, YTD
Online MTT SATs MTD -$39, YTD
Online Stud8 SNGs, MTD +$8, YTD
Online Omaha8 SNGs MTD +$98, YTD
Online 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD +$10, YTD
Online 9 handed NLHE SNGS MTD +$215, YTD
Online shO8 MTD +$11, YTD
Online LHEsh MTD -$435, YTD
Rakeback $21US
Bonus $90US
Online MTD -$90US ~~~~ YTD
Live MTD ~~~~ YTD
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