I hardly ever tilt in live cash games, for some reason online gets to me more. I was just playing 2 4 sh so it's no big deal, but I lost $80 in an hour. This is partly due to 4 things: 1. playing too low a limit to really interest me, 2. short-handed variance, 3. tilting, 4. playing on a site I dislike just to clear a bonus, kill time, and get a huge rakeback.
SO, not again I hope, I'll stick to reasonable limits that interest me, 5 10 and higher. Just getting reminded of the variance in sh games will be good for when I move up.

2Tabling the 6 handed sngs again. First and second. The on I got first in I was short 3 handed and got lucky winning a flip when I pushed KQs on the button vs JJ of the BB. After that it was fairly easy as the big stack was too weak to play heads up. In the second place one I wasn't all in once and was even in chips HU with a pretty good player. Blinds at 200 400 and he miniraises, I look at 34 of hearts and have some feeling that this is the hand. I call. Flop 567 with 2 of my suit. I bet the min, 400, and he raises the min to 800. I smooth call. Turn brings the K that closes my flush. I bet small hoping he'll raise and he does, I push for the remaining 2000 putting him all in and he calls with K5 for 2 pair. Well, he hits his 4 outer and takes it down. I played it perfectly and lost. That hurts a bit. Anyhow, both games took 1h20mins, they were long ones as I played patiently HU in both wanting 2 firsts. +$134 in 1.5h, not bad.
2tabling to date summary:
6/8 ITM, pretty good. Calling it 5h total play, that's $52/h at this juncture.
That's on par with my 1 tabling results so far, I'm excited about the prospect here. Have to see what the future holds for this endeavour. I found that staggering the tables by 10 mins gives me a chance to read players at one table before focusing on 2.
Damn, just got 3rd single table sng. I went big against the chip leader which I don't usually do, lost KJ vsAJ on J hi flop. Guy was raising alot preflop and I thought I caught him.
B&M O8/Stud8 MTD = , YTD =
B&M LHE Cash MTD =, YTD =
Online LHEsh MTD =+$19, YTD =
Online 9 handed NLHE SNGS MTD =, YTD =
Online 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD = +$32US, YTD =
2Tabling 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD =+$128US, YTD =
Rakeback =
Bonus = $40US
Online MTD = +$219US ~~~~ YTD =
Live MTD = ~~~~ YTD =
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