I dropped down to 3 6 6 max on Party for a couple of hours tonight to try multitabling cash games. This is actually quite easy in comparison to 2tabling 6max sngs. I don't feel like I lose much of anything at this level playing 3 tables at once, although I can't identify a tough table quite as readily. So, a rule of thumb will be if I am down more than 10bb at a given table after an hour then I move to another one -- unless the table is especially soft. I think that playing a few tables actually decreases any slight tilt I may experience at times and allows me to dump more marginal hands preflop.
Overall, I was up 17bb after 2 hours, or roughly 3bb/table/hour. I am going to try this out for 100 hours or so and go from there, the goal being to multi at 5 10 then sometime in the future up at 10 20.
Another 1.5h, 3 table session, +12bb or + 2.5bb/table/h, not bad.
I've already produced almost $700 in rake in 40h of play, that's $140-$210 I would get back with a rakeback, maybe I'll try out Eurobet on the pokerroom network. If I play ring online fulltime I'll be missing out on $700-$1k a month without rakeback.
Obviously my online game is in some flux right now, I know I can beat up to 5 10 on a regular basis, but I think multitabling may be the answer to finding a higher win rate and decreasing variance at shorthanded tables. Have to see how it goes.
Ideally, I'd be playing 10 20 or 15 30 live 30 hours a week, but right now geography is quite an impedment. So, I'm spending some time spinning my wheels online to find my niche.
I did play about 2 rounds of a full 5 10 as one of my 3 tables. God, you'd have to shoot me and prop me up in the chair for me to withstand the boredom of online 10 handed play.
B&M O8/Stud8 MTD = , YTD =
B&M LHE Cash MTD =, YTD =
Online shO8 MTD = -$5
Online LHEsh MTD =-$435, YTD =
Online 9 handed NLHE SNGS MTD =, YTD =
Online 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD = -$44US, YTD =
2Tabling 6 handed NLHE SNGS MTD =+$52US, YTD =
Rakeback = $21US
Bonus = $80US
Online MTD = -$331US ~~~~ YTD =
Live MTD = ~~~~ YTD =
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